Labels:book | box | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | monitor | plant | reckoner | shelf | windowpane OCR: SMALL INVESTORS TURN CAUTIOUS INDEX Change from a ASSTOCKS AND BONDS SOAR Month Year Month Year Aug. earier earlier earlier Bartiar laverage surged As the Dow Jones industrial 104.51 104.21 0.29% 7.935 to another record high and vields on long 104 term Treasury bonds plungedto 20 -year 10 lows individual invest tors arew r more cau- 100 tious according to MONEY magazine' Small Investor Index Notonly were investors wary of adding to their holdings when pri rices were high, but they also were concerned about the effect that the federal I deficit- reduction pack- 199=100 age would have on the markets BTJ "FMAM In general, individuals are focused onthe least investments. Forexample, the The average individual's portfolio! gained most popular stock mutualfunds in July were $135in July ano now s ...